Cremation vs. Burial – Which Decision is Best for Me?

When it comes to choosing what to do with our bodies, it can be one of the most difficult decisions during the process. There are many factors to be considered when it comes to deciding whether to go with cremation or burials. Some of those factors include cost, religious or cultural traditions and time constraints. Although there are many different options to choose for how you would like you body to be handled after life, cremation and burials are the most popular. Within this article, we will examine some of benefits and drawbacks of both options, when choosing the right option for your loved one. Cremation vs Burial - What is the Best Decision for me? Burial A burial is when you take the body and place it in the earth. There are many forms of burials and in a society that is leaning more towards ecofriendly options, there is a rise for green burials. During a traditional burial, the body is embalmed then laid in the basket and placed into the plot, which later gets cover...