3 Common Misconceptions about Pre-Planning Your Funeral

3 Common Misconceptions about Pre-Planning Your Funeral Pre-planning a funeral is a convenient way to ensure your last journey is carried out according to your personal preferences. When people realize this option is available to them, many decide to go through with it. At Simply Cremations , we have handled several pre-planned funerals and understand the process behind it. Clients often express concern over this option because there are so many misconceptions surrounding it. Here are some common ones: 1. Pre-Planning isn’t Complicated It’s easy to assume pre-planning is a complicated, time-consuming process but that’s not the case at all. All you need to do is answer a few questions, fill out a form, and book a funeral. This barely takes a couple of hours and visits to the funeral home. Some establishments even allow clients to book one online. 2. It Isn’t Expensive Pre-planning isn’t more expensive than regular funerals. In fact, it can be less expensive if ...