Can I Have a Cremation and a Visitation?

With more and more people shifting away from traditional values when it comes to funeral services it should come as no surprise that cremation is becoming a more popular choice. Cremation is more cost-effective and allows greater freedom when it comes to paying tribute to a loved one or laying them to rest in a cherished spot of theirs. There are, however, a few questions that many people have regarding cremation versus burial. One of the biggest is with regard to having a proper visitation along with cremation. There are a couple of ways that this can be done. During traditional visitations, the deceased is able to be displayed in a casket before being placed in their final resting place in a graveyard where family and friends gather to say their last goodbye. Having a Visitation or Wake If you wish to have a proper viewing with a traditional casket, this can be accomplished before cremation. This allows you to keep the traditional viewing while also allowing you to crem...